
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, March 03, 2019

life inertia

during a conversation with our neighbor today, we discussed how to go about changing one's thought and behavior patterns. it occurred to me while we talked that because we are four-dimensional beings, our minds and bodies are like craft traveling through frictionless space with our consciousness at the helm. we traditionally think of ourselves as "stuck" in our patterns, but we're not stationary at all - once we're moving in a direction, we simply develop inertia that needs to be overcome if we decide that we want to change direction.

in order to change our thought patterns and behaviors, we need to do the following:

1. we need to see that we're heading in the wrong direction.


we need to be aware that we're doing things that are not bringing us towards our goals. we need to determine what our goals are, and break them down into their most fundamental parts.

it is important to understand that seeing the need to change the direction that the ship is facing is not sufficient to change the direction.

2. we need to change the direction we're facing


we need to identify achievable steps towards our goals. if we've defined our goals properly there will be many paths to choose from.

it is important to understand that orienting ourselves to the direction we want to move in does not change the direction that the ship is heading.

3. we need to fire our engines for as long as it takes to change course


we need to take responsibility, hold ourselves accountable, and do the things we've set out to do. we need action plans, to-do lists, and reminders. we need support from friends and family, and if we can't get that then we need to find new friends and family.

the inertia of our established patterns will make it difficult for most of us to achieve immediate success, and we will most likely have to continue working hard until we overcome all of the elements in ourselves and our environments that have kept us going astray in the first place.

4. repeat if necessary


every action we take, whether we succeed or fail, affects us on some level, changes who and where we are. sometimes, or - for some people - often, we outgrow our own goals whether we've reached them or not. this means that we should regularly stop to evaluate our strategies, see what's working and what's not, examine whether the direction we've set our sights on is still desirable, and adjust accordingly.

if we're still on the right heading? then we need to keep pushing.

one of the most useful studies i've come across in recent years explains how willpower is a finite resource. if you're lacking the willpower to make changes in your life, start small. avoid mindless media and interactions, avoid negativity as much as you can, and make time and space to engage with things that inspire you. if you don't know what inspires you? heck, go on to youtube and search for "awesome inspiring amazing". i'm sure you'll find something.

remember: every constructive thought counts. every constructive action counts. every moment is a new opportunity for a fresh start.

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