
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, February 25, 2019

weekend so well done it burned

friday 22nd:

gd still sick, me still congested so skipping the gym and working from home, mr smear going to school at least. making good progress for a satisfying end to the first week of my notice period, and putting out a sample copy of my book for my patrons for review.

learning about ordering challah from the grocery store.

skipping the temple to take mr smear to visit some cousins, a great chat with him mostly behaved, a long argument with my 3 year old (along the lines of louis ck's "pig newtons" bit) about whether or not he'd left his toy motorbike at the hotel, arriving home to learn that he'd been talking about a different toy motorbike all along.

a sudden and upsetting regression with my back, which had been doing fine for a couple of days.

saturday 23rd:

driving gd to her weekly hypnotherapy class, driving mr smear for a play-date at the super park, getting him to eat a really good lunch, enjoying a frozen coconut yoghurt, stopping at my mom's to drop off a pilates ball, driving back to tokai to pick up gd, returning home for nap time

going out for a friend's birthday drinks, good company, temporary tattoos, too much cigarette smoke and coming home around 10.30pm to find that mr smear had given my mother the run-around and was still wide awake.

sunday 24th:

waking up with neck issues

podcast prep, driving to my mom's to pick up pool noodles, returning home to find a play-date just starting, a really nice afternoon by the pool, more podcast prep, a trip to the waterfront for tea, playground

mr smear with a balloon sword: "i'm going to cut you, mommy!". also, walking around with a serious swagger and a balloon sword sticking out his front pocket.

dinner and groceries, coming home to find our apartment reeking of cigarettes from our downstairs neighbour and putting our landlord on the case, another late night for mr smear, working really hard on the podcast...

monday 25th:

until just before 1.30am, spending half an hour posting this and now, finally, desperately... going to bed.

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