
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, February 11, 2019



leaving town was hectic, mr smear was not impressed that his mommy and daddy weren't taking him with. the retreat was nice, surprisingly constructive and productive, we met a few cool people, and the food was amazing. there was one woman who gave a talk about urban farming that was 60% on point and 40% such utter rubbish that i couldn't keep my face from raging and i'm extremely proud of myself for managing to keep my mouth shut (aside from a few choice comments to gd).

arriving late, leaving late, spending a miserably windy afternoon indoors and finishing up the project i began on the saturday evening: i'm really proud of it, and when i checked in this morning 37 people had already downloaded it so i'm hoping it's making the world a slightly safer place.

once i'd published that, i settled down to eat dinner and watch hunter x hunter with my family before shower and bedtime. a short break to destroy bloons (yep, i'm still playing the adventure time tower defense game), i threw myself into the latest podcast, and along the way it occurred to me that i should bundle my notes together for my backers...


no sleep until 6am, miserably restless and sore

i've gotten through today by the grace of sudafed, green tea and chocolate.

the gym's generator was down during this morning's surprise load-shedding, and i took the time to explore putting my notes together. i don't think macs are that much better than PCs, but *damn*, pages kicks word's ass ANY day. it's inspired me to convert my notes into an actual book, and i'm one chapter in and it's looking sexy. it's not as awesome as a graphic novel, in my opinion, but it's still a solid step and at least within the shakespeare communities probably a lot likelier to sell.

and all proceeds will, of course, go towards the comics :)

i managed to get some bureaucracy handled, but i didn't get much actual work done before load-shedding struck again at 4pm. it felt like a sign that i should leave; on the one hand, it rendered parking free, on the other, everybody else felt the same and it took at least half an hour to get home. i spent about forty-five minutes eating and working, then headed off to the temple for our monthly study session.

after another interesting session with lots to think about i came home to catch the tail end of moana, shower mr smear, read to him, chat with my mom before she flies for two days, work a little, break to post this, and hopefully go to bed reasonably soon.

and sleep. i'm praying that my body will let me sleep, dammit. i need this.

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