
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, February 04, 2019

much wow.

arguing with someone on reddit and being called misinformed because i stated that the quality of the calories you intake is more important than the quantity when it comes to weight loss :/


i haven't posted in a few days, as i just posted before my energy levels are stable but close to zero. work-wise, if i was demoralized before i found a new and exciting job it was nothing compared to how little i'm invested now...

tattoo sonnet four is beginning to flake, the other two are healing nicely except for the text on sonnet 3 being very faint.

thursday: [missing]

friday: dropping gd and mr smear off at the museum before a meeting with the big boss (first time i've spoken to him), night tantrum exhaustion (mr smear was super tired before we arrived at the temple)

saturday: a trek up the mountain with mr smear, a fresh tattoo, and only half a cup of tea. BIG mistake. spending the rest of the day recovering. seeing aquaman while stressing about leaving my mom and mr smear without a front door key. he's bulletproof? how'd he get those tattoos, then? how does his mother get to the surface in the middle of a battle wearing high heels? why is mera's makeup so trashy? otherwise, it was awesome.

sunday: gd taking mr smear with our friends to the aquarium while i rested and analyzed sonnet 14.

today: exhausted, mr smear waking me up by reading a story to me (it was amazing until he started hitting me with the book), a really rough start to the day because mr smear's friend is REALLY unhappy with his miserable teacher and the principal and the kid's father are both being dicks about it. the kid's three, FFS.

a fun chat with my workplace bromance and him sticking ibuprofen patches on my back - i didn't realize the damage from a couple of weeks ago is actually visible and i've scheduled a physio appointment for tomorrow. taking gd with to the post office to pick up an incredible customized book for mr smear that we'd forgotten about, picking him up, having lunch at plant, napping, then coming here to my mom's coffee shop to work.

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