
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, February 18, 2019

my body doesn't care if i'm tired

it took a good couple of hours after posting last night to get to bed, although i might've needed less to be physically ready but i got caught up with playing a virus named TOM and 7 billion humans. fortunately, i slept well (and feeling better about sleeping on my "other" side) and was up and functional early enough that we all made it to the cemetery for shadowslight's mother's consecration on time.

mr smear was well-behaved and was entirely unphased by being in a graveyard, there was a weird moment during the service when we were reading psalm 23 and i really focused on what it's saying for the first time... i became inexplicably overwhelmed by gratitude just then.

we went to his father's place to spend a little time with the family, which was really entertaining but unfortunately there wasn't any suitable food for us so we drove down the road to mary-ann's which was really excellent. aside from them have reachable bottles of household cleaner that mr smear managed to spray into his eye before i even realized they were there...

sated and happy, we returned home with a sleeping boy, took good advantage of nap-time, and then went down to the pool together where they swam and i sat on a deck chair in the shade reading deadpool. good times.

i got a bit more podcast preparation done - today's episode turned up some important revelations regarding the fidelity of the accepted modernized text - then walked to la parada for protoplasm's birthday beers. i had one, and some interesting (one inspiring) conversations, and then suddenly it was almost mr smear's bedtime so i walked back home through cape town's dark and dodgy streets, with only one incident of harassment.

a quick shower (it was stinking hot), and then i sat down to produce the podcast episode while gd put mr smear to bed. it's funny, but i keep thinking they're going to be short episodes and then more and more stuff just pours out...

... right, it's now past 2am on a monday morning, i'm feeling really good about how the weekend went and i'm ready to face whatever this week has to throw at me. being in my notice period with my current employer has really relieved an enormous amount of stress and i'm excited about the next step in my career.

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