
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

hump day already?

my gods, it feels like a week has gone by since my last post. i've been making a point of sleeping on both sides lately, and i'll be damned if it isn't already making a significant difference to my back and neck.


waking up from and returning to a long apocalyptic dream wherein the dinosaurs escaped (jurassic park style), with small pockets of us surviving around the city on winter pantries. absolutely terrifying.

leaving mr smear with the nanny (sinus infection), taking gd to sea point, podcast editing at bootlegger's, finding a parking right outside the visa place but not having gd's receipt with us, plastic-ware shopping at mambo's,  shoe shopping at the waterfront (we looked for shorts for me, too, but couldn't find anything reasonable), picking up a copy of wired magazine for the first time in years, publishing the podcast episode and work a bit, rushing through rush hour traffic to get gd home in time to relieve the nanny.

my mom babysitting so we could have dinner at royale with friends, a really fun evening full of interesting conversation and good food!


once again mr smear staying home due to sinus infection, and once again he wasn't actually sick and  it totally messed with our day plans. another failed attempt to get gd's visa decision, this time with the receipt but arriving too late. dropping mr smear off with the nanny and heading to the gym for a few hours of really good work, then returning home in rush hour traffic to take mr smear to the company gardens for a ride with some other kids for a bit. dinner, hunter x hunter (we've gotten to the yorknew city auction, things are becoming intense), shower, bedtime, and getting a massive chunk of work done before sailor pulled me into a conference call.

an hour and a half later, and it looks like we're partners on an exciting and important medical venture!


writing an article on hiring with github until 2am.

we just dropped mr smear off at school, i've written this while waiting for gd to do some grocery shopping, and then i'm going to begin my day for reals.

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