in breaking with my unintended tradition of selecting pictures of females which are supposed to depict whatever i'm feeling at the moment, i've made the portrait above my choice for today's post. the other contender can be found at the end of the post. it bothers me that i have so much difficulty finding appropriate pictures.
anyway, to summarize my day (and so-far week, too), i have found two things which impress me no end.
1) i live two completely separate work lives. during the day i work with absolute shit, during the night everything goes back to normal. and in each phase i pretty much forget whatever's going on in the other.
2) i'm wasted during the day. the whole day. all i ever want to do is sleep. it's been like that for most of my service, but most of my service i've been able to get some shuteye. now that i can't, i'm beginning to be less sleepy on base. at the same time, i get to work in the evening, and i'm instantly motivated and i can feel the level of my brain activity rising. and i REALLY wake up the second i walk through my door and discover electricity.
erm, so basically my day was spent working away on one thing or another. and playing about an hour of GOOD volleyball. enjoyable. the first few points were played with one hand, as spot kept me on the phone with the other - and i STILL managed to play well. that was hilarious ^_^
oh! lunch was actually okay! i'm dying, people - no other explanation suffices.
some little bitch aggravated me - i called up our client unit to help them, and she was seriously rude. then she hung up on me. i sent an email to the second-in-command of their section (i know her personally), and was informed that it will be dealt with. don't be unpleasant to people you don't know, that's what my mommy taught me (actually, that's an emphasis. she taught me not to be rude to anybody. with possible exceptions).
my pull-ups are increasing.
real work: i learned a LOT of interesting shit tonight. and my additional work turned out to be less of a mission than i thought. give us a "hell yeah" for decent coding! HELL YEAH!
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