last night, i gave in and took a call from mnsl. i didn't have to try hard to sound disinterested. she didn't get the hint. i then read the horse and his boy until i fell asleep.
o' long day, how best do i describe thee? let me count the ways:
1) hot and sticky. i HATE humidity, and the damn'd dust returned - mere hours after i'd gotten all excited about it leaving
2) tiring. it's not enough that my owner's manual doesn't even bother to have a clause dealing with "what to do when your totalwaste sleeps too much...", but we had to stand for an hour for the ceremony (tonight and tomorrow are the remembrance day for fallen soldiers - being jewish means running on the lunar calendar, so each day is sunset to sunset).
3) i couldn't be arsed to wait in line at the base's coffee shop after all that standing, so i used my head and went to the one opposite the main gates. much quieter, and better coffee... i waxed political to the kid, and arrived at some pretty interesting conclusions apropos the palestinian situation. but none of my ideas will ever be implemented, so why waste my time discussing them?
to be fair, if i wasn't so tired right now i'd discuss them.
4) a morning spent... umm... i don't really recall us doing anything too important. our work / fixing our computers / dealing with bugs could have been in the early afternoon, i simply don't remember it all in order.
6) after lunch may or may not have included point 4. it definitely included napping, listening to twisted system, and reading about 40 pages of the diamond age - i repeat: if you haven't read it, READ IT.
7) i went out for a cigarette, and ran into the girl who was supposed to be our new commander. we took a walk, discussing her master's project, and ended up at the mess-hall around 5pm. the idiot in charge knows me, and he told me that nobody eats until 5.30. just then the kitchen commander (possibly one of the biggest [literally, too] jerk-offs on our base) came out, and i reminded him of our agreement to let me eat with the guards. he acknowledged, and i began to fill my plate while staring at the aforementioned idiot.
dinner was amusing, primarily because i weirded out that girl when she realized that i knew almost every single person who came through the door for the first fifteen minutes. people don't realize i've been on the base long enough, and i've been bored enough...
8) i bussed through to work. work went well - i achieved what i needed to. for the api problems, i've been in touch with those responsible, and they're apparently trying to figure it out. mnsl called again, i managed to put off the conversation, and hopefully i'll only have to speak to her tomorrow to make it plain that i don't really want to see her again.
9) tomorrow's a half-day - then serious partying in the evening (independence day).
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