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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

pizza - bad.

great pizza - worth it. good pizza - bad. bad pizza - worse. i really do need to keep repeating this to myself, as i made the unfortunate mistake today of partaking in aforementioned devil-food for lunch. whenever i sin, and i feel terrible afterwards... i never suspect (until i'm feeling better) that it's because i'm bloody lactose intolerant and i can't seem to get that to sink in to my own head.

and it was bad pizza, just so's you know.

and look what showed up when i searched for the pizza image:

i guess it's google's way of telling me that i'm strongbad for the day.

it was a long day, very tiring regardless of my aforementioned stupidity. that weird girl was being strange at me today, that made me uncomfortable. turns out i'm not the only person it bothers - a lot of the base has designated her one of the most messed-up, and considering that "special" is the sort of soldier our base caters for, that's quite a powerful reputation.

i finally finished the developer crap i've been working on. no satisfation, just relief that it's done. until the next task. i had some meetings today regarding our systems, and they seem to have gone okay. at least, my superiors appreciate my stance on the whole thing, which is incredible in the army.

work: got stuff done. lots of stuff. i discovered that the later versions of java have modified the Vector class, so spot's agreed to update me on that. my googling factor's always been low; in this case i couldn't find a damn thing that made sense.

due to a limited ("you damn right it's limited! no cup-holder, no back seat...") api, the primary app's development has taken another twist. this thing is killing me. fortunately, all the other projects are going smoothly.

the meatrix: the most annoying and rediculously WRONG thing that keeps finding its way into my mailbox. granted, it's got an amusing sense of style, but the whole concept of "meat is murder" and whatever other rubbish gets spewed on the "topic" upsets me no end.


  1. Devil-food? I friggin' LOVE pizza... period. A meal on the go and it goes down great with an ice-cold beer and good convo.

  2. pizza is the best ever :)
    even bad pizza is good pizza.
    i'm not lactose intolerant so you can always send me your share of pizza :)

  3. next slice i have thrown at me goes to zenstar as registered mail. see if i'm kidding. of course, if they'll accept it :P

    moonflake - i'm a reborn hippy and i find the meatrix (and vegetarianism in general) to be completely absurb. let's call them the lesser percentile.

  4. did i say absurb? i meant absurb. erm, absurD. i'm in the little known sideways percentile.


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