
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

wobble 'n wooze (3rd)

well, well, well.

i say, "well!".

i managed to go to sleep after posting my last post, and this is a basic summary of what i dreamed:

we were shooting some sci-fi movie, us being lookalikes for the actual cast. the movie ends with my character's girlfriend crashing in to the rescue. or something.

we took the train back. the train passed through private tracks, owned by the university i've just finished attending. michael j. fox was working as the conductor, and we had to give him cash for the ticket. angel (our CLAW one) goes absolutely dotty over him, while i try to act all nonchalant. she climbs into a tiny cupboard / compartment thingy at the front of the train, from where she proceeds to make train announcements (interesting acoustics).

i must be alright :)

i woke up to a cup of coffee, and got a ride into afula. i caught the bus at 8am, and arrived on the base just before 10am. it's ALWAYS better to do these things in person - i think the girl i spoke to understood me, and it appears that things should go smoother now if i just chill and wait for a response.

i got in touch with an old flame, without having to circuitously get to her through her parents... but i'll have to wait and see if she actually wants to get in touch with me.

i had a great coffee / breakfast with karnaf, who then extremely considerately gave me a ride all the way to hadera. i would have stopped in herzliya, but i was wearing my i've come for your daughter shirt, and her parents and grandparents would NOT be okay with it.
*silly chortle*

the bus back sucked, as it was packed and i had to stand. by the time i got back to the kibbutz, i was wasted, and i totally crashed. i woke up in the evening, in time to catch most of the fellowship of the ring, supper, and rush hour. now that this computer's been re-installed, it's working alright, but i can't wait till tuesday - gonna be housesitting, and will have access to a REAL pc. w00t!

right, more tv, then bedtime.
yup, definitely bedtime.

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