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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

early morning of the 13th

and it is. it really is.


i got up stupid-early (around 6.30am), got my blades, packed in a hurry, had a 3-minute shower, and got a ride to afula, from where i took a bus to herzliyah.

and then WALKED. i walked a long, long way. s'what happens when you get off at the wrong stop, in the middle of nowhere.

i spent the rest of the morning on campus, sorted some things out *1, and then she came to fetch me, and we went to the mall. from there we went to her grandparents, for a really nice lunch.

after that i went to SxS's, and from there to our friend in pituach's, for an awesome chicken salad feast.

and then we went to the alumni "do" at the university. was quite pretentious, but we got some spiffy promo things (a glass chess set, and an organizer incl.).

i left early, and bladed HARD to get to the bus-stop. after being dropped off in tel-aviv i bladed HARD to get to karnaf's place. only to find out that i wasn't late.


i put on my bright orange primi piatti overalls, and joined the group.

the group's alright, nothing special. the route sucks ASS. they can fuck right off, i'm not doing that again.

not that i completed it in the first place. too of us got completely friggin' lost, and had to take a taxi back to tel-aviv at 1am. 'cause we'd bladed to the next friggin' city. that sucked.

not to mention that it's the first time i've bladed in forever. i got a lot of exercise, but i also got blisters on my feet, and i made it back to karnaf's just before they started to get serious on me.


i just got up, i'm drinkin' ma' coffee, and then i'm off to the base. 'cause i TRIED to call them yesterday. i can't go in my overalls, 'cause they don't have no pockets.

*1: i called the army yesterday. each person i spoke to tried to convince me that i was talking to the wrong person, so i got switched several times. in one of the conversations, i spent AGES trying to explain my situation to this one girl. eventually, she gave up, and asked me for my personal number, which i promptly gave her. she then goes "oh! it's --insert my name here--! how are you? why didn't you tell me it was you?", has a quick laugh with whoever was with her, and then puts me through to someone else entirely, who couldn't help me at all.

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