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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Lovecraftian morning.

OMFG. a large group of CLAWcreatures weren eating around a large dining-room table. during the dinner, i remembered a dessert-bowl of food i'd placed "temporarily" in a corner the last time we'd been there, and scrabbled through some boxes on the side of the room, and found it sitting untouched on the floor.

the bowl was still warm.

fascinated, i stared at the contents of the bowl, which warped and wobbled, and suddenly began shrinking, as if something at the bottom was sucking it all up really quickly.

it had, actually, sucked itself up, and was, in fact, a tiny cthuloid gnocchi-beast. it burped a tiny burp, and then threw up everything it had just consumed - only it threw up a little more than that, so the bowl was dripping with overflow.
it then proceeded to suck it all up again.

this happened a few times, each time dribbling a bit out of the bowl, and we were all fascinated and intrigued: a REAL cthuloid gnocchi-beast!

during a spew-period, i attempted to move the bowl to a placemat, but spilled some of the gushing, semi-transparent, slimy liquid. one last, gigantic suck, and a tiny gibletish thing was all that remained.
the gnocchi-beast was gone.


we were all watching through some form of portal, as the caretaker of a large, rather bouncy and energetic cthuloid creature explained that the date-aid had been removed. a crucial part of it must have been in the "soup" that slopped over, and the tiny gibletish thing was undoubtedly its remains. without the date-aid, the cthuloid could not be combined with a partner, and so had separated out, thankfully, into another dimension. i don't know what happened to the gnocchi.

this was the dream i woke up to this morning. needless to say, i *bounded* out of bed to write it down before it disappeared!


i got up fairly early, and i hadn't really slept, so i wasn't feeling too good. we went to afula, had some breakfast and coffee, did a little shopping, walked around, and then came back to the kibbutz.

where i passed out. after my nap, i either watched tv, or read a bit of the fourth harry potter book, or talked with the cousins.

aside from doing the communal supper thing, that was pretty much my day. in the evening, in a flash of giant stupidity, i completely destroyed my cousins' computer - i not only managed to repair it, but improved the installation as well.

and then ghosted the sucker. oh yeah, i felt pretty good when i got to bed, finally, at 2am...

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