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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

in the army now

work last night was HORRIBLE. we had technical difficulties, and difficult clients. and when it wasn't going crazy, i was tired and bored.

i got to bed at four am, and woke up at 6.15, shaved, showered, packed and stressed off to get the bus. i was stressing because i forgot to plan my route.

a cousin of mine always says the army mentality is "hurry up and wait". i made it there by 8am, and then waited. after about half an hour, they sent us off to get new uniforms, and this took until around 10-10.30... i'd forgotten little things like how to lace up my boots, etc., but i do now have a uniform that fits.

after another little wait, we got taken to the assignments office. i waited there from 11am till 3.30pm, with a short break for lunch.
i'm not kidding.
apparently this is normal.

at the end of the wait, i received papers that told me to go to "tzrifin" base (where she's doing her basics) in the morning, so that they could send me back here to the ramat gan base.

i made my way home, finally not paying for public transport, and was in almost constant communication with my soon-to-be commander. i have never in my life heard ANYONE speak so fast, and it was all in high-level hebrew. i'm having to make do with understanding the concepts of what he's trying to say, even if word-for-word i'm clueless.

anyway, he's managed to sort out that tomorrow morning i'll go back to the same base, and he'll pick me up from there.
which is nice.

i had a shower, and then crashed - a relative called while i was sleeping, i shouldn't have answered. i was totally not in any state to talk to human beings at the time.

it's amazing how much difference two hours of sleep can make.

and i have strange tan lines because i kept falling asleep in odd places.

so that's my news - i'm happy to be in the army, but it's definitely going to take some getting used to. the reason i'm not working tonight is that a) i'm too tired and b) karnaf just reminded me that it's illegal without authorization.

they'll just have to suffer a man short.

i'm probably going back to bed now, i'm still lacking sleep from about 3 days now.

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