
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

rend(er)ing (torn)

i had to play a bit more empire at war last night. i discovered that tutorial 3 is just as boring the second time around... and having more of a clue made absolutely no difference whatsoever.

i hope that's just because it's the tutorial.

so i got to sleep around 1.30, and woke up at 6.30. i made it to the base on time, made myself a sammich, and went to the inspection. as i'm no longer allowed to go the firing range (me being an exemptionist and all), just before the discipline commander arrived i made a show of tearing up my firing range report into tiny pieces, to everyone's great amusement.

when it finally came to my turn, after half an hour, he asked it of me - so i gave him my exemption papers.
"what's your point?" he asked. "show me your report."
"i don't need one! i'm not allowed to go!"
"bullshit. i *know* how this works."

"oh, shit" i thought.

fortunately i managed to appease him by being enthusiastic and asking him to help me get organized... good thing i didn't have to fake that, i actually enjoy the range. and the new range is awesome - it's somewhat like laser-quest, with a modified REAL m-16, and a virtual range filled with terrorists popping out at you. so that's on the menu for next week ^_^

i spent the day unhappily in the office. lots and lots and lots of work. no downtime. and i was wasted from the very start. umm. i suppose i enjoyed some bonding with my teammates - they're starting to enjoy my wackiness and they're getting into the spirit of things :)

a few of us went out for lunch, and i am fascinated by the amount the i ate. i don't remember when last i managed to get that much food down - it was all good, and i was actually capable of continuing!

work tonight has been great. i really am almost done, and the support from overseas has been agreeable - they've realized that my requests aren't at all arbitrary, and they're putting them into the upcoming release. yeah!

and aside from that, i've gotten to the stage of cleaning up my testing code and making it pretty. i like this stage :D

a little earlier, i took a break with one of the guys here and went through to the lizard to say hi and have a beer. the mongoose was "too busy" to talk, but fortunately i got an early warning not to go to the party there tonight (not that i have the energy): it's a drag party. i think i'll pass, thanks.

righty-ho, back to work i go.

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