
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

a weekend and a half to remember!

i woke up late yesterday, and spent the day doing anything but work. like i'm doing now. talked a lot on irc: feels good to be back in touch with everyone.

SB (the girl from the club on friday night - SuperBabe) sms'ed me, and a bit later we went of to watch crash - seriously powerful film. well done. we also talked a HELL of a lot. she took me to a crazy bar / restaurant in the middle of tel aviv, and i definitely appreciated the atmosphere and style.

things took a way more interesting turn than expected, and she ended up leaving my place around 4am... so two hours of sleep, and then up at 6.30 (exhausted, no shit) to go to the induction base.

i got a bit lost, but my commander found me, and we began a two hour walk and talk where i actually had to be alert and concentrate so i could understand the wickedly fast hebrew. i then went off to the section we support, and worked a bit from there before returning to my base.

i went past the head of our wing, and had an interesting discussion with him concerning last week's events. i then headed back to my section for a crazy fight with my commander - after which it was fully his right to send me to prison for a week or two, considering the way i spoke to him and the things i said. i was out of line, but so was he, and rank and hierarchy definitely count in the army.

so that was my flirting with danger. came out of it alright though - i finished the report, sent it to him, and then went back for round two. went much better, and our team leader walked in in the middle. considering that i'd pinned half the blame on him, our commander made him read it, and once he was done he simply said "hmmph, doesn't interest me." he shook my hand, and left. good fun, that was.

the commander then followed my advice and sent a major letter to all the section heads and people involved to show appreciation and recommend their behaviour and skill.

nice one. he even credited me in the email. so i'm rather pleased.

spent a few hours doing some serious work - i'm finally getting managerial stuff instead of grud-work, so things are much improved, and then i went with the dog to have lunch, then crashed in my office for an hour. i was woken up after we were due to leave, to be shown a program my other soldier had written that does terrible things to your vision.

not kind.

then went off to a coffee shop on the way to herzeliya (with the dog and SB, was really nice), and by the time i'd left it was no longer a good time to go to work, so i came home. SB's just joined me, and she's watching human traffic while i do some work.

i can't believe i survived today. and i'm still okay!

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