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Thursday, August 11, 2005

positive shock, and LOTS of it!

there are gaps in this blog - hopefully i'll get a chance to fill in bits and pieces.


monday was alright. after the previous days, i'm finally getting some respect and appreciation from my commanding officers - and also interesting work. we worked quite hard the whole day, and i did quite a bit of shmoozing too.

monday night SB picked me up, and we went to her place. a whole bunch of her friends came over to celebrate her birthday, and they're really fun people. the evening was most enjoyable, but i was exhausted so i went to bed early. around 2am. and i just couldn't sleep - my back gave me the weirdest problems.


SB gave me a ride to the base, which was fun. i spent the day woozing from place to place and job to job - i was completely broken, and totally sleep deprived. fortunately, most of my work was "commanding", so i organized a make-shift bed and mumbled orders with my eyes closed. at least my kid was understanding, and he actually performed supremely well - we got most of what we intended done, and done well.

on the way home i ran into a girl from our base's armoury. it was SB's birthday, and she agreed to help me pick out a gift. i ended up with something small and gorgeous, and not too expensive. i didn't want to exaggerate.

SB was supposed to be going out to dinner with a friend, but the friend cancelled so she picked me up and we went to her place.
late-night munchies saw me getting a burrito - not as impressive as the first one. but whatever.


woke up at SB's, lazed the morning, and spent the early afternoon chatting over coffee, reading, and listening to good music with her two dogs. they're growing on me.


made my way home, showered, got into uniform, and was talking to the mongoose on the phone as i watched the bus-driver of my bus look me in the eye, then carry on. i screamed at the mongoose, in hebrew, over the phone, for about 5 minutes, and then the conversation carried on. i was amused. it's an israeli thing.

i got to the base just in time, and got to the "war room" to see high-ranking officers in a real environment. it was VERY interesting. our jobs were explained to us, and we did a bit of nothing for a while. at around 1.30am i was told i could crash.


i woke up at 8.10 this morning - very grateful for that because i'd turned off my phone with it's alarm. jumped out of bed, rolled up my sleeping bag, and left the "war room" and returned to my section. spent an hour or so on base, talking to people, sorting things out, drinking coffee, and then finally leaving. went past the bank, deposited my salary. went home, had a shower, listened to bob marley, and then took a bus to the middle of tel aviv, where SB picked me up and we went for lunch (i was too excited to eat. still am.).


i just got back now from getting my tattoo done - it came out SPLENDIDLY. two hours of pure pain, though: i've been told i have seriously thin skin, and it was done on my spine and directly over my slipped disc. fortunately, both SB and the mongoose were there, and the time was definitely enjoyable.

and the end result (last time i saw it, it's covered now) is AWESOME. a pity that it burns still (and apparently will for weeks), that i couldn't get cream in time, and that my head is fucked up from the shock. and i have to work.

and pee. i'm going to pee now.

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