
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024


 yesterday was great. mr smear came to the office with me; he had a great time, he was well-behaved, he spent his screentime making cool things in blockbench and playing constructive games (opus magnum, antichamber, poly bridge), and he was very happy with the salad he put together for lunch.

hopefully tomorrow will go well too.

work-wise it was a long but productive day. i was relieved in the evening when the psyops talk i thought was happening turned out to be cancelled. gd and i listened to the harry potter audiobook together while i played inscryption. and then we went to bed.

this morning has been very relaxed, and now i'm off to work.

Monday, July 01, 2024

reset and repeat

 today was an interesting day, particularly around mr smear. we had about four separate incidents, each one starting with trouble, then resolving (in all cases but one) quickly, and resulting in a "good talk" with good vibes and a productive sense of accomplishment.

gd was supposed to go to a class this morning, but is instead going tomorrow, so mr smear will be coming to the office with me. he's really excited, i'm excited but praying that everything's cool. my boss is weird about kids (even though he's a new dad), hopefully everything will be smooth.

apparently his session with his hebrew tutor went well. and this evening our climbing wall session went amazingly well. he arrived with a good attitude, and definitely levelled up! he went to bed really late though...

my hand's still messed up.

work was pretty good today. slow and steady, and ended with a surprising victory (we all thought what i was doing wouldn't work - it initially didn't work, and then magically it did. maybe golang really is okay with multiple binaries in the same module?)

i had a hard time with eating/not eating today.


inscryption is hard. and kaycee's mod is even harder. but i keep playing, i keep tasting success, i keep getting crushed.

it's now 1am, i should probably be going to bed.


the school year ended on a good day for mr smear, so that's good. his day ended on a not-so-good note, which was entirely my fault, and i hope i managed to smooth it over. that was bedtime, but the rest of the evening together was pretty good, and we had a pretty good time playing table tennis together after i came home from work.

work itself was good. i didn't realize i was on-call until halfway through the day - so there's that - but i made good progress on my latest project and i'm feeling alright about its timeline.

oh... and our "face-picker" sat next to me today, and once i noticed i just couldn't unsee how long his fingernails are. i really, *really* wanted to say something, but i cleverly kept my mouth shut. there's no way i could have said anything that would've come across as kind and supportive...


otherwise, i'm generally feeling a bit numb. i'm avoiding anything political / war-related, and my head's not right for getting anything useful done right now. maybe i should focus? or maybe i should give my soul a rest.

i should probably give myself a rest.