
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

winding down / gearing up

tomorrow's going to be a big day: gd's got her allergy challenge in the morning, so mr smear and i will accompany her there before we head off to my office. where i still need to decide whether i should apologize to one of my coworkers for get upset during a ridiculous argument three of us were having about TODOs in code.

i probably should.

aside from that, i managed to get a huge and important piece of work done today - not only are my boss and coworkers apparently impressed, but it's opened some doors i wasn't anticipating so i'm quite excited to try and stuff some stretch goals into the sprint.

oh, and there was an early 4th of july celebration* in the office with crack pie, and the vegan option was truffles. insanely delicious truffles. ömg.

* oh! tomorrow's the 4th of july. happy independence day to any american readers, and happy dependence day to me and my wife!


i rollerbladed to work this morning, relatively comfortably. i had to pick up a package from a post office i'm not familiar with, so i left the office a bit early and skated all the way to ramat aviv. i should've stuck to the shady side of the road, even if the paving isn't as good. by the time i arrived there i was melting, and my shoulder hurt from my heavy backpack being at a bad angle, and i still had to get home afterwards.

i thought maybe it was a wet-bulb temperature thing, but it doesn't look like it had anything to do with it.

anyway, the new wrist pads i picked up seem... fine.


inscryption - kaycee's mod to be precise - is thoroughly insane. it's hard not to get hooked, and it honestly feels like i'm trapped in an abusive relationship. but the satisfying moments? the insane plays that make one feel like a god? holy shit, they're worth it. even if i tend to get crushed shortly after.

i mean, i still haven't beaten the game once yet. i've reached the final boss twice, been crushed once and "quit while i'm ahead" a little while ago.


speaking of gaming; steam's summer sale is on, and i picked up a couple of interesting-looking games very cheaply. disco elysium and the witcher 3. and i was just wondering earlier if i'm not spending too much of my personal time unproductively :P

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