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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

a moment of appreciation

 first, but not foremost, the thing that triggered me stopping my game of inscryption to post this: on my current run, i've built a really solid ant deck and acquired an ouroboros, and i have an insect totem with a beehive sigil.

my ouroboros has a corpse eater sigil, and my ant queen has an unkillable sigil, and because of my totem if my queen gets hit, the bee it produces is unkillable too. what this means is that as long as i have the ant queen and the ouroboros out, i have a perfect cycle where i sacrifice my unkillable bee and the ant queen to bring in the ouroboros, then sacrifice the unkillable bee and ouroboros to bring in the ant queen.

inscryption is a rogue-like game where every run is different. what this means is that i'm very likely to build an awesome deck exactly like this again, and i'm nervous as hell that i'm going to make a misplay and stuff this run up.

last night:

sadly, gd wasn't up for coming with us, but my mom and mr smear and i took a car and arrived on time, although we needed a few minutes before going upstairs to contact the previous driver who'd left his wallet in the car. he seemed very relaxed about it, whereas i'm pretty sure i would have been losing my mind...

dinner was lovely. mr smear put into practice all the things we've been talking about, he was super cool and really polite and he had a good time drawing with his similar-aged cousins!

we got home really late, and i got into bed really late because i dived into inscryption again.


i slept well, until i didn't. i woke up a bit tired, restless, and with visions of inscryption floating before my eyes... but i held off playing more. instead, i started off with my usual combo of bloons: adventure time* and youtube, and only later fired up inscryption to play a bit before heading out to pick up the car for the day.

* yeah, i haven't really stopped playing that, but i'm much less rushed to complete daily quests etc.

the last thing i did before leaving was add the corpse eater sigil to ouroboros, so i left with a burning desire to see how it played.

the first part of the trip to the kibbutz was a bit stressed, for a variety of reasons, the biggest one being the tire pressure indicator lighting up and my mom and i having a hard time figuring out the pressure pipe station at an entirely self-service gas station. i ended up unsure of whether i got it right, and prayed the rest of the way there and the whole way back that we wouldn't suffer a blowout.

it was *hot* today. it was great seeing out kibbutz cousin, lunch was lovely, and i napped fitfully on the couch while everyone talked, dreaming of inscryption. of course. i'm not obsessed, you are! anyway.

later on we drove through to the swimming pool, where we not only had a great time, but mr smear tried and mostly succeeded to learn the crawl stroke! this was a huge level-up, both for him as a swimmer and for me as a parent encouraging and teaching his kid something new. so i'm still riding high on that, definitely the highlight of the day ^_^

coming home was a bit of a story - lots of protests throughout the country generating lots more traffic than usual - but we eventually got home in one piece, had a very late but very delicious portobello mushroom and seitan (and cauliflower) dinner, and it's been inscryption since.

right, back to the game 🤞

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