
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

not down with the sickness

everyone but me (so far) has been sick, so lots of being stuck at home, not doing much of anything other than coughing. i'm praying i stay okay, and we're all hoping that everyone'll be feeling good enough to do a museum tour on thursday.


yesterday was a work from home day, and it wasn't easy. i think i've blanked a lot of it, because i'm sure we had some parenting issues, but work-wise i was on-call and struggling to get my own tasks done while trying and failing to understand what the heck was going on with the weird mysteries we're seeing in our logs.

oh, yes. i remember: mr smear was "very sensitive" (in his own words) yesterday and pissy about just about everything. i think gd and i had a fight about something as well, probably related.

oh, and handling finances: this has not been a good couple of months :/

in the evening i took a walk to the grocery store. i had an ulterior motive - finding a replacement LED bulb - but all the stores which might have had what i was looking for were closed.

after getting mr smear into bed, we settled in to introduce my mom to unchained. i don't know at what point i passed out, but when i came to and realized i'd fallen asleep on the couch i took myself to bed.


woke up this morning to an already-awake mr smear, who's inflatable mattress sprung a leak in the middle of the night. he's going to have to sleep on the couch tonight, because none of us were able to find the leak (not even under water).

the morning was going alright, and then suddenly took a shit turn with mr smear. he recovered after a while, but i took much longer to get my own head right.

work was pretty good. i ate too much throughout the day, but i got the job (for the day) done and enjoyed receiving constructive feedback, both positive and negative. we had an interesting all-hands, too: sadly, our marketing wizard (witch?) is migrating soon, but the company's in a good place and i was surprised to learn that my current project is the central item everyone's betting on.


during the day gd sent me a video of mr smear's piano lesson progress: he seems to be making good. yesterday, when i was home, we had a talk about how to approach it and why it needs to be done in a certain way, and he seemed to *get* it.

as always, we shall see.


i left the office later than planned, then remembered that we hadn't done anything about a replacement mattress. i went to store after store (gas station after gas station) trying to find it, and after about ten places spanning (according to google maps) about 7km, i feel like i'd worked off enough of the office eating to enjoy a big, delicious dinner.

it looks like i've lost a couple of kilos over the past few weeks, so that's something.

i've spent most of the evening playing inscryption, now i've written this up, and now i'm planning on trying to get some sleep.

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