
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, February 05, 2024

weekend shift

 none of us wanted to go outside yesterday, it was miserably wet and cold. gd and mr smear weren't feeling great, either, it seems like they picked up some kind of tummy bug...

i spent the day alternating between napping, and working on the simple-regex-builder package. in the evening i felt it was ready to publish a v1, and then write it up and go to sleep. today, someone with a similar package got in touch with me and asked me if i might be interested in collaborating.

i just might :)

it was a bit of a struggle, but mr smear completed his "dear buggy" homework last night. not gonna lie, the "graffiti" dinosaur he shouldn't have added was really cool :P

this morning it was decided that mr smear wasn't well enough to go to school. and as usual, this turned out to be an incorrect assessment... but i digress. he had plenty of homework to do, and for most of the day he apparently did quite well.

for me it was a busy morning, dealing with another outbreak of mold, and a suspected ceiling leak, and a grocery shopping, and a pile of dishes, and something else i can't quite recall at the moment.

then i went to work, to resume the battle with the github fails. a couple of hours in, and a coworker and i ascertained that the damn things had been broken the whole time, and a relatively short while later i had everything up and running. the stuff i was deploying (surprisingly) mostly worked the first time, but now i'm in the thick of the cloudformation jungle and every issue i resolve is raising another one right behind it...

i came home in good spirits, tried to help mr smear with his homework and that triggered a very unpleasant and ugly tantrum on his part - at the same time, gd hadn't been feeling well and the expensive meal we ordered wasn't delivered - as in, the delivery guy marked it as delivered without delivering it - so it was all very dramatic for a while. then gd asked him to get out of the bath so i could get in, and he refused, and the two of us had a very serious and constructive conversation about my role as a parent taking precedence over being his friend; the evening went smoothly from there, but a nagging little part of me is wondering how much of it was staged just as an pretext for homework avoidance...

gd and i watched some more freaks and geeks, i finally published the hi-res pages that mr cat delivered two weeks ago... and played some more bloons adventure time... and i think i'm past ready to go to bed.

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