
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, February 16, 2024

all wet (again)

it's friday, i'm tired. my world is full of crazy things and people. i started a sinus infection last night, i strongly suspect i'm coming down with something. a cold? coronavirus? the flu?

one of those crazy people is my son, but i seem to be getting into a groove when it comes to handling him (or, he seems to be getting into a groove of being easier to handle). mostly.

work-wise, the week started off smoothy and i managed to get the "meat" of my task done in short order, but the rest of the week was consumed by writing and rewriting tests that continuously bumped up against bizarre brick walls. fastapi dependency caching: i see you. i don't understand you, but i see you.


skipping the clinic admin session because their ticket system was stuffed up. i was initially going to work from home, but then our neighbors started some construction and i bolted.


the second attempt at the clinic, and dealing with the unhelpful woman again:

"i can't just give out your family's details to anyone, do you know how many cases we have against us?"

and then she couldn't understand why i was angry after she made me coach her through the steps of identifying me and finding my family's records. good grief.


my first quarterly feedback session: very positive.

the bloody baron: it was not the easiest of days.

valentine's day - non-vegans ate the vegan offerings, and then i received a special gift pack from management to make up for it! and the only potential allergents were pecans and walnuts, which gd had tested out of on sunday... so i had something to take home to the wife ^_^


an uneventful pain clinic morning, except for the bit where we needed to convince the receptionist with the simpsons lips that what the doctor wrote down was what we wanted to book. good grief.

birthday lunch: people who piss you off live rent free in your head. people who behave like lunatics, though? i ended up walked away from an argument with a crazy soldier who wanted an apology for us taking his seat even though there'd been absolutely no indication that the seats were taken.

at least the frena was great.

a whole day lost to fastapi dependency caching shenanigans. then a fun-but-very-loud "happy hour" before coming home.


dropping mr smear off at school, proudly remembering that electrical tape is called isolierband on my way to the hardware store, playing more - oh! have i mentioned my completely engrossing addiction to bloons adventure time? - bloons adventure time, a quick-ish shopping (i was dragging my feet and my body the whole way), picking up mr smear, heavy napping, and then watching whisper of the heart (perfect). then two rounds of overdue dishes. now...

who cares.

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