
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

the perhaps not so big day?

yesterday was highly anticipated, but was less fireworks and more weirdness.

pharmacy elucidation: i went to pick up my meds, but the pharmacist's instructions were incomplete. so i took a look at the original script, and learned that my skin thing that i've been dealing with for almost a week is apparently an eczema thing...

i went through an architectural interview with two guys, which was fine, i guess? i wasn't feeling super-confident by the end (not unconfident, either), but two of us appeared to be caught off-guard when the third ended the meeting saying that we were going to continue the application process without any deliberation. i was expecting to be told "we'll get back to you", and i got "let's schedule the follow-up for next week", so i'm curious as to whether that's actually happening or whether there'll be a retraction :P

it was a positive workday, i managed to get most of my task completed although i was sadly surprised to learn that both javascript and python amqp instrumentation doesn't register single message consumption which really makes testing unnecessarily complicated :/

too much indian food for lunch - actually, it was more a case of eating too much breakfast too close to lunchtime, and even though the lunch was really good it was a struggle :P

the meeting: by the time the meeting started, i was no longer convinced that i was getting fired, but just merely uncertain. then the meeting began in a surprising and strange manner - my boss took a deep dive into my personal projects (specifically, the sonnet comics and the book), which was a really interesting conversation but after ten minutes i had to ask "so, what are we meeting about today?"

and we continued with an ordinary weekly one-on-one, everything's fine, he's very happy with how things are going, and he's impressed by my improvement relating to his feedback a few months ago. we synced on a couple of task-related aspects, and that was it.

no drama, except for everything that had been in my head. amazing.

our meeting was followed by an all-hands, which i tried to join while doing grocery shopping on my way home. the first issue was connecting to the meeting, because zoom has a thing - desktop or mobile - that you can't join unless your app is up-to-date and it took forever to download. then it kept disconnecting me from the meeting any time i switched to another app (even for a few seconds) or locked my screen. wtf, zoom?!?!

i got the groceries home in one piece, all efforts of the bus driver to the contrary, picked up smear, and we headed to the climbing wall. it was a good session, overall, and he earned himself an "achievement popsicle" for making three real attempts on a new wall :)

the evening was a bit messy; making sure that mr smear eats fruit every day has always been a struggle, and last night the after-dinner fruit turned out to be... not good... and he made a point of eating it and its replacement so slowly that we couldn't get into bed until just before 10pm. for the second day in a row. holy shit.

i had a long catchup chat with vfmp, then found myself too tired to do anything and around midnight i crashed hard.

in an attempt to combat the recent increase in excessive late bedtimes, i woke mr smear up early this morning, and so far it's been a good morning from his point of view (he just got off a video call with my mom where he introduced her to his new lego action figures, he was very excited). gd's having a rough time post-nerve block, so a part of this morning is going to be looking at next steps...

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