
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, August 11, 2023

ending the week well


i worked from home yesterday, the first reason being that i needed to pick up mr smear's book for next year. i was anticipating long queues and unpleasant run-ins with other parents, based on our previous year's experience, but was completely taken by surprise to find exactly one other parent walking out as i arrived and then it was just me getting my books and returning home.

in the afternoon i took mr smear to a back-to-back mma class, where i spent a short while chatting to another ex-south african and then put my head down and got some work done. not a lot, but that was because i managed to hit every wall i could :P

mr smear went to bed rather late again. gd and i watched a little more o brother, where art thou?, but pretty soon both of us needed to get into bed.


i started the day by slugging down a coffee (after gd and i resolved a disagreement) and then jumping on a bus to meet with the public therapist; it was a very interesting hour, and there was one thing that we discussed that i haven't thought of in a long time - the time that mr smear saw spiders - and then in the evening, on our way home, he suddenly referred to that out of the blue. weird.

i spent a good chunk of my workday on everyone else's work, so i was a little concerned that i hadn't made any progress on my own ticket... i took mr smear to his jiujitsu lesson, and managed to get most of my work done while he did his thing. i was then super-impressed by the fact that he showered after his class with any fuss!

we took a bus to the shuk, and after dropping him off i settled down and got in a good hour of work, ending on a delivery just before picking him up again. then we walked through to goodness, the service was a bit meh but the main part of the meal - the schnitzel on challah - was brilliant. the second part of the meal? the kid's mushroom burger? not so much.

it was also ridiculously expensive. but overall we had a good time together after a good afternoon together, so i'll take it with a smile. we had a pleasant ride home, a pretty straightforward shower-and-bedtime, then gd and i almost finished watching o brother, where art thou? - i'd forgotten quite a bit of it - and then she crashed and i've spent the past while just sort of staying up, because that's what i do. and wondering how it's (technically) friday already.


gd started feeling a bit better yesterday, and today she was feeling better than yesterday. this is good, hopefully it'll stay on this trajectory for a while...

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