
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

T-1: "mostly"

 aaaand meltdown. this morning started off alright, and then took a dive when mr smear went head to head with me over something really unnecessary. gd and i both tried to get him to see reason, and i felt really shitty afterwards that i was yelling in response to him yelling, ironically yelling that he needs to change his strategy if wants to get his way... i guess we both need to change our strategies.

gd's still in a lot of pain, but apparently it's less of a nerve pain since this morning. i've no idea what to do with that information.

the rest of the day (for him) went much better, at least, but gd and i are both concerned about what friday will bring. and that's in only one more day 😰

i arrived at work and walked in to a crisis - we use circleci, and for many weeks circleci has been dropping the ball regularly. our entire dev team was brought to its knees for most of the day, and their support agent didn't feel it was important enough / we were important enough to post updates to their status page / give us an ETA, after admitting that the problem wasn't just us :/

so that was a big distraction for me, although i did manage to make some progress on my new task. i think i got most of my work done while mr smear was in his mma class, and he seemed to be having a good time even though the class began with me fuming after realizing that he'd done everything he could to run out the clock on eating his goddamned apple.

i love my boy, and as i said before he was mostly good today, but by that stage in the day i was all out of patience and it was hard to keep my cool. for the most part i managed, but we did a grocery run on the way home and there were a couple of times i was short with him when he didn't really deserve it :(

let's just say i needed that beer that i opened while he was in the shower.

at least dinner and bedtime went smoothly. then i lay down on the couch next to gd for a while, and now i'm writing an article and preparing to face another night of questionable sleep quality...

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