
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, August 26, 2023


ah, i forgot about my call with a dermatologist yesterday - he gave me satisfactory answers to my questions, and i'm pretty sure i'm almost done with the treatment now.


i posted, i napped. i didn't nap enough, but sufficiently to spend the next couple of hours playing around with winkill and considering retrying unity development.

for a while before mr smear and i left the apartment, something i'd chewed on had trigger The Pain in the back of my jaw and it got so bad that i needed to take anti-inflammatories for it. they kicked in about forty five minutes after we left.

i coaxed mr smear outdoors with pokemon go. at least, he came out for the pokemon, but had to have an apple before he could play (he doesn't like eating fruit, it's a thing)... that gave us plenty of opportunity for chatting before i lost him to the phone :P

we walked all the way to the beach, at which point i convinced him to hand over the phone and put his feet in the sand:

are you having fun in the sand? yes. can you explain why coming onto the beach had to be a struggle? yes. because my feet weren't dirty then. now i don't care.

we had a good time at the beach, followed by the usual struggle in getting him off the beach once we were there. but the walk home was nice, the last stretch was physically taxing, mostly good fun with a "tickle fight" turning into a proper chase. i didn't feel good when we got home, though, and i think it was partially the anti-inflammatories on an empty stomach, partially the chase maybe moving stuff in my neck around and putting pressure on my vagus nerve. whatever it was, it calmed down shortly after we began eating and i'm feeling alright now.

i'm reading the wind in the willows to mr smear, i feel like he's actually ready for it this time. he's been really into bugsnax lately, i'm quite impressed by the depth of the game, and only after typing this thought to look up some reviews and realized that it's in the horror genre.

huh. do i tell my 'fraidy cat son?

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