
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

nap attack


it was a busy morning. we headed to the mall to return the horrible watch we'd bought the week before, and while gd and mr smear took care of the grocery shopping i had a long chat about israeli politics and the community project (mobile app) that i started a couple of years ago. i'm now convinced that making a mobile app is just too much effort and cost, and that it's time for a redesign.

my family needed my help with bagging the groceries (i'm the expert, apparently, but also i'm the one who carries everything so i do appreciate that my wife didn't want to upset the bag balance and make the walk home harder), and even though i leaned over and said "why's he taking so long?" under my breath i realized as i said it that it was too loud, and that he probably understood me. a minute later i wondered out loud "i think there's something wrong with the scanner" and i'm hoping that took the edge off, because the cashier then made a point of talking to us in english...

the bags felt heavier than usual on the walk home, my arms were sore by the time we arrived. then we realized that we had less than half an hour to get mr smear's watch. on the way there, and afterwards, i had a loooong chat with sailor about our mutual plans, which included quite an embarrassing moment when we realized that i'd completely forgotten what the project he's been working on was essentially about, even if i'd worked with him on the concept.

getting the watch fixed was quick and painless, but getting a sandwich afterwards was trying, primarily because of the old lady who lit up a cigarette right next to us and the cafe owner who set the volume ridiculously high.

i completely crashed after we got home, i would take me a couple of hours to be ready for a sync with horseman, after which it was time for washing dishes and dinner. and then the bedtime ritual. and then watching random things until passing out from sheer exhaustion.

today so far:

i slept badly, and woke up groggy. mr smear and i started the day on a positive note, with a little rhyming game and playing some toodee and topdee. and then i learned about winkill while trying to post this, and then we all stopped for breakfast and to binge-watch bluey. which really is as good as they say!

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