
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, October 29, 2021

reminder: breathe

 today was mad. work-wise, this week was going pretty smoothly until my manager got hold of me yesterday and informed me that we're doing a quick "pivot" on our current plans, and in order to follow through on the new plan i've had to put in hours and hours of frustrating troubleshooting, which would have been bad enough but after finally being able to stop, eat breakfast and focus on getting some work done i then spent the next five hours in back-to-back meetings, some planned, some completely spontaneous.

my sister got divorced this morning, then went straight from the court to the hospital for a minor procedure that had her under general anaesthetic, and i finally got the call to pick up my car around 4pm which was just about the time that she needed a ride home so at least that worked out well - my mom escorted us as i drove her in her car, then dropped me off at the gearbox specialist so i could get mine.

i'm still buzzing with nervous energy, even if it's now shabbat and i'm officially off work, and i feel like i need to get quite a bit of work done on sunday which kinda sucks.


on tuesday morning gd and i both escorted mr smear and had a chat with his teacher. we weren't sure if we'd be leaving him there or bringing him back home - even if he was and loudly told anyone who might listen that we were pulling him out of the school - but she convinced us that things weren't as bad as we thought and now we're a bit suspicious but mostly okay.

in good news, mr smear went home with another kid this afternoon and they apparently had a really good time, so it's a pity it took half a year to arrange that but we're glad it happened.


the rest of this week seems to have flown by and i barely recall what happened. shadowslight, muadib and i watched dune together, but the experience ended up pretty much the same as watching it alone, except not as comfortably. it was still amazing - absolutely stunning, and a massive relief that villeneuve has done the book justice - and gd watched it the following night and i'm very pleased that she loved it too.

oh, and we finished watching the first season of gravity falls and the second season of adventure time. both awesome.

and i learned about debouncing, which is a useful trick.

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