
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, October 03, 2021



after a lot of nothing in front of my computer, i decided to take a walk and get some exercise for the first time since sunday. i passed kak lucky tattoos as my artist was enjoying a cigarette outside, so we had the chat we've been needing to have for the past week or two, and then i continuing on my way.

about two blocks away from the hospital, an inconsiderate PoS driver drove past and sprayed their windshield wiper fluid right into my gorram eye. fortunately i was close enough to the hospital to head over and wash my eye out, but wtf, man, that was horrible. i came straight home to put in the next-to-useless eyedrops we had. two kids had come over for an extended playdate, i hid in my room and finally finished reading the nao of brown. then i took one of the kids home, and the other stayed with us for dinner and a movie.

her parents had okayed jurassic park, we'd decided we give it a try. firstly: holy crap, between the two kids we were constantly pausing the movie to have discussions about e-v-e-ry-t-h-i-n-g. some of the discussions were interesting and fun, some of them really annoying. secondly, we hit 9pm just as she decided she was too scared to continue, which we felt was the perfect time for her to go home anyway :P
mr smear, on the other hand, was pretty cool with everything but had to cover his eyes for the raptors.

fair enough.

anyway, overall it was a great experience with lots of teaching moments (like why screaming and shining lights at a predator is really, really dumb) and the inspiration and amazement were (imo) worth the minor anxieties.


i've just got out the shower and into a long, unexpected but important talk with gd who's had a bit of a breakthrough moment, all while mr smear enjoys a skrillex playlist that he's been begging for since we left home earlier for a very long promenade walk to try out the falafel guy's falafel (we must have walked about 9km, he was a trooper and the falafel was good, though not quite as good as nish nush one).

this morning was quite sombre - two consecrations, the first for krybabie (zoom) and the second for sailor's dad (i held the camera). mr smear played lots of minecraft, and after we got home from the cemetery (my mom babysat) i fell asleep next to him watching a tintin movie.

now it's dinner and movie time and hopefully i'll be somewhat productive this evening, but i'm not stressing about it.

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