
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, October 07, 2021




after another (relatively) early night,  i woke up early to get some work in before we all headed out. mr smear wasn't cooperating and we were running late for our dentist appointments, things got dramatic. maybe he'd forgotten that i can still carry him over my shoulder?

i managed to get half an hour in while waiting for gd, then it was my turn. it felt good to hear that i've been doing a good job of taking care of my teeth in the years since i last paid a dentist a visit. getting the mold made for my new guard (last one i used was probably almost two decades ago) was a lot less unpleasant than my first one.

we picked up mr smear, who'd calmed down by then (and helped his granny bake crunchies), then returned home. my presentation went surprisingly well, after which i went through to my mom's again for testing... leaving my flash drive behind, but at least i could buy a cheap new one next door.

i finished my workday on a positive note (completing the almost-complete refactor of my coworker's code), then returned home.

everything was fine until dinnertime, mr smear triggered some more drama just as my mom came over for a visit and the next hour or two felt interminably long. at least, we figured one thing out - there's a behaviour that's really not mine that gd's been anticipating from me since the very beginning of our relationship, maybe recognizing that will help us going forward...

mr smear's attempt to "get revenge" by putting together a "trash pile" of things we've given him made for a good teaching moment, but it was pretty effective even if we won't admit that to him.

fighting is exhausting.


another early morning at my mom's. today was the third in a series of "we should've released friday, hopefully by today's end" that ended with us finding a new bug (with debian installation scripts, the documentation is pretty much useless and they seemed to work before). this is demoralizing.

even more demoralizing was, for the second week in a row, being hit by a malfunction (this time, in the tools we use to test an important product) that after hours of investigation only became more mysterious.

forty five minutes before my physio appointment, i packed everything up and was preparing to take a ten-minute walk before driving home when gd called, asking me if i was coming home for my appointment, which i was already late for. d'oh!

after my half-appointment (which kinda helped) i did some more work, then managed to convince mr smear to join me for a walk on a pleasantly warm evening. we walked a reasonable distance, enjoyed each other's company, and ended up at the pool where our neighbours were so we joined them for a while before returning home for a shower and a good dinner.

all without drama.

shadowslight, muadib and i spent an hour trying to get a discord "watch party" going, it looks like we finally figured it out and we'll try again in a couple of weeks.

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