
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


i've a few hours left on-call, and i'm praying they'll be quiet because i've done almost nothing this weekend and i'm thoroughly beat - i wonder if it's not my body rebalancing from spending the past two weeks on borrowed time (sudafed).

friday was a relaxed day - it was kinda nice spending it on menial tasks, very grounding - and ended on a good note when i took mr smear downstairs to play in our building's garden. friday night was nice, and afterwards i sat down with mr smear to watch an episode of thundercats. it just so happened to be the episode in which the thundercats' base loses power as they run out of thundrillium. and as they joked about being afraid of the dark, *our* power went out unexpectedly.

thank you, eskom.

it was an early night for all.


i was tired, grumpy, and really wanting to put some effort into my book project for once. but i was too tired, and being left alone with mr smear for the morning was as draining as it was entertaining. as in, some of it was entertaining, some of it was terribly unpleasant.

i watched neal brennan's 3 mics last night, it was fantastic.


i finally caught myself up with my book project today, but i did spent a lot of time lying down and a lot of the day was covered by a shitty feeling.

now to figure out how to take mr smear to the temple for tonight's festivities.

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