
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, May 04, 2019

pages and pages

wednesday 1st may:

woke up wednesday morning at 1.30am panicking and sat for an hour and a half putting together a document defending my teammates. continued to sleep badly until woken up early to go with my mom and mr smear to the waterfront to get the car cleaned and buy trousers that i could wear over my knee brace. i took forever to find pants that weren't awful.

returned home to meet the car purchasers (professional outfit), the drove around for ten minutes and then gave my mother an offer that she was happy with, then hung around while contract and payment were sorted out.

then we all went out to balducci to celebrate my mom's impressing her boss, their vegan menu is excellent and the red thai curry was honestly one of the best curries i've ever tasted. pricey, but i would rather go there once than to a lesser restaurant twice.

we were *exhausted* when we got home, the rest of the afternoon / evening was survival mode. reading rumpelstiltskin to mr smear was fun, though.

we crashed halfway through the battle of winterfell.

thursday 2nd:

slept badly, woke up to the new page of the graphic novel! unfortunately, i didn't anticipate how much the nudity would complicated things with patreon... and i also didn't consider that that would make it difficult to get the graphic novel into high schools. it looks like i'm going to have to produce a censored version or something.

a long day at work filled with meetings with my managers and coworkers, untangling the drama and eventually ending up quite emotional once it had been solidly established that i'm in a really good team with understanding and supportive managers.

hurting my knee badly twice in one evening, chased with utter disappointment in the terrible execution of the third episode of game of thrones. palette cleansing with the final episode of love, death + robots before bed.

friday 3rd:

a long, uncomfortable night with a sore knee, starting to actually get some rest about an hour or two before alarm, dreams of disappointment wanting to rollerblade for the second time.

a slow start to the day (surgery bureaucracy and meetings), a great team lunch at royale, a long afternoon struggling with tooling - not the most satisfying end to the week.

a surprising phone backup discovery

a nice friday night dinner, a couple of episodes of last week tonight / early bedtime.


another tough night, sleeping a bit but with a lot of movements and positions hurting my knee. mr smear waking up angry with gd for being out of bed, starting the day watching sing (brilliant)

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