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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, May 09, 2019

one very long day

i started fasting on monday morning just before 7am, anticipating being wheeled into the theatre around 2pm. i hung around, uncomfortable, in my mother's office until 10.30am and then she drove me to the day hospital. checked in at 11.30am, learned that my 2-hour surgery was scheduled for 4pm. great start to the day.

at least i had a game of thrones to keep me company, i haven't made nearly as much headway as i should've but i'm enjoyed reading it at least as much as i enjoyed watching the first season.

the morning and afternoon dragged on, i chatted with the physio, with the doctors, with the anesthetist. that last one, it turned out, didn't give a damn what i had to say and ended up giving me a cocktail that thoroughly messed me up to the point where the other doctors were scratching their heads. instead of going home post-op, i scored a trip in the ambulance to the ER because i wasn't breathing properly. between a CT scan, interesting meds and clumsily trying to describe a doctor in a way that made the actual doctor feel like i was disrespecting her, i had a busy night - i was really grateful that my mom was there for everything.

and because drama, the ER team completely mischaracterized my entry in a way that if my mom hadn't caught it, would have cost us a fortune.


i was admitted for the night, hooked up to a monitor, and spent my hours painfully struggling to get some sleep. i didn't get much.

i was all excited by the hospital's vegan menu, right until they brought me butter with it which called everything else into question. ffs.

best part of the week: i was talking to gd on the phone and asked to speak to mr smear, and, for the first time ever, the two of us had an actually conversation over the phone. he even asked me how my knee was! it was amazing.

my mom's friend picked me up from the hospital, we had an adventure getting out of the parking lot, i got home and went straight to bed.

right now - on thursday afternoon - is the first time i've been home and in the living room since.

the meds have messed me up - i *really* don't like morphine or codeine - and i've spent most of the past two days either reading or on social media. it's been real. and gd's back's been hurting her a lot, and mr smear's been sick, so it's all been very interesting.


the big adventure yesterday was going to vote. i'm glad i was able to, and i hope this country starts moving in a positive direction.

gd's revelation that we actually have family, friend and community support was very gratifying. we're both extremely grateful.


i've been less uncomfortable, though still uncomfortable, and i really hope i'm doing my physio exercises right. on tuesday morning the surgeon was happy with my progress but without knowing what's actually happening inside it's all very mysterious. i can't put weight on my leg for the next six weeks, my brain's going to be all fuzzy at least until the end of the weekend, and i kinda want to do productive things but i also know i need to relax and just focus on healing.

having said that, the reason i'm up is because gd's passed out and mr smear has been asleep since he got home from school, so if i don't wake him up soon tonight's going to be *very* interesting.

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