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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

a very close finish

as in - i almost hit a car travelling at high speed (both of us, actually), after coming off a crazy downhill at full tilt. i managed to steer hard right just in the nick of time, missing him by about half a foot... once the initial shock and horror was over, i hit an adrenaline high of note >D

tonight was my first ride as a free man, and it was great fun - the conversations were non-stop and the route was great, the weather was excellent and i was in *just* the right mode ^_^


a great source for the other side of the coin - here's all the counterpoint stuff to the mainstream (and stupidly biased) media.


huh - almost forgot:
a typical non-smoker: this asshole has absolutely no clue what he's talking about. ignoring his call for a ban on alcohol (this one didn't take history - ever), and his comparing marijuana to crack, he lost me at the point of "need ... to get through the day".

we're not talking about cigarettes, we're talking about stuff that enhances* your day. we're talking about stuff that broadens your mind, not satisfies a pointless craving. this is not a man qualified to write for any publication.

i'll stay on the fence, thank you very much. or lean in the other direction.

* yes, yes - it's a re-post

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