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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

mango drugs

mangos are brilliant - and eating one at work? i'm very proud of myself for managing to do it so tidily. i suspect, though, that the strands that get stuck in one's teeth are their deterrent... makes one think twice before digging in :P


grootbek on form:

This is a response to the nonsense in the post below
In a country where people work 3 hours a day 5 days a week, and spend the rest of the time Siesta-sizing . The legalizing of hard drugs has led to......more unemployment.

A rise in Unemployment every year since the drug has been legalized from 4.5% to 10% (See CIA World Factbook)

But Fruit Service goers, I quote
totalwaste, who himself has never dealt with hard drugs "...heroin is less dangerous than riding a horse on the street..." so I guess we are all gonna be OK.

my response:

it amazes me that you misquote me so freely. i never said heroine was okay, and the sentence *i* was quoting was from here:
e safe as horses

now there's a man more qualified to talk about this stuff than us.

schmuck. and that same cia factbook? it says that unemployment is normal.
and i also think it's great that your understanding of economics is so solid that you think that drugs are the only possible factor.


flex is driving me nuts. some of it's impressive in its simplicity, and some errors i just can't figure out. the worst ones? when nothing happens. no error, no nothing.

web development, huh? and the money's shite. i need a real job!

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