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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, June 29, 2003


*** yesterday ***

we watched x-men 2 last night - fuck me, that movie is the SHIT!! every few seconds it was "ohmigod, that's my new favourite x-man!".
i was worried that the trailer might have spoiled it, but not at all. it was pure entertainment and eye-candy all the way.

*** today ***

i woke up this morning to find that 28 days later has finally finished downloading - i've been waiting so long to get my hands on it that i'm still in shock and disbelief...

i just got off the phone with a guy from the wingate institution. he tells me that all the exams for the teacher's course will be in hebrew, and that it's difficult even for native speakers.
all i can think of is that if i'm going to learn all this stuff for the first time anyway, then it doesn't matter what language i learn it in.
also, he did say that i can bring in a dictionary.

today's the day for our organizational behaviour: leadership exam. i haven't a clue how i'll fare - all i know is that i'm paying out of my ass for the exam notes (about R150) because i didn't buy the book. and i have no way of knowing if they'll help me.

*** later ***

i didn't use the notes in the end (so i could save myself the cash), because a friend of mine (the girl who came blading with us) had her own version and allowed me a photocopy.
the exam sucked anyway - it was always going to be an exam writing tons and tons of crap, but i wasn't prepared for the quality.
after two and a half hours of writing bullshit, my arm was sore and my creativity was drained. so i gave up and walked out.

after the exam i got home to find it infiltrated by my niece and her friend - their belongings were all over the place, and there were <things> everywhere. like books and cd-players and little bags of <stuff> (ie. crap), and all the dishes were done (none of them were mine, but anyway) and my closet is now PACKED. i didn't have any space left before - now i'm in negative. i have overflow - and i'm supposed to be looking after this shit for a couple of MONTHS.
i don't remember volunteering for this!

we went to a crazy friend's place, to chill by the pool. we did nothing of value, just sat around and then ordered nando's (yes, they have a version of that here), and chilled some more.

but now, horror of horrors, not said sarcastically, we have to go to the airport. we're going to be leaving after midnight, and i have no clue how much time we're going to spend there.
and my week is fully booked; i have to be up early in the morning, and i just discovered that our last exam is on thursday, and not next week as i originally had thought.


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