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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, June 23, 2003


*** yesterday ***

i did get a little studying done yesterday.

i had supper consisting of canned sweetcorn (you don't get creamed in this country, which is most upsetting. you'd think other cultures might have learned of this by now), and two baked potatoes. now, everyone's given me the same advice on these things: prick them and leave them in the oven at roughly 175 / 180 degrees (celsius, you foolish americans!) for an hour. now i've done that, both covered in tinfoil, and merely resting on tinfoil, and they always come out hot, but HARD.
not nice at all. maybe it's just another sign from the gods that i should stay out of the kitchen.
anyway, when grootbek saw what i was eating he asked if i was on welfare. i don't get it.

she and i went to play pool last night, which was quite enjoyable. expensive (yes, i'm still whining about paying per hour), but fun. i learned a new rule though - when playing a beginner it's "5 for 1", meaning for every shot you take they get five. it works, and it does make it considerably more fair, and considerably less frustrating for the beginner.

*** today ***

i had to wake up too goddamn early this morning for the exam, as it was held off campus. in a suburb far, far away.
the exam, as was to be expected, sucked. it taxed my understanding of the english language heavily, and was most pointless. however, i think i managed quite well, and i might have not sucked, which, within the context of MY university experience, is both meaningful and impressive.

umm. i finally managed to meet with the person who's supposed to be helping me with my social security, but she couldn't help me today. so tomorrow it's once again waking up at cock-fart in the morning to meet and arrange everything.

i'm fucking starving. it must be lunch time (14.46).

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