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Thursday, June 19, 2003


what a mess! i came in to work this morning, intending to check mail, brush up on what i learned the other day, screw around, and leave around 13.00, in time to sort out the trouble i'm in with my social security.

that's not how it happened.
it's now 15.00, and instead of learning how to handle event preparations at work, i had to do the damn thing for real. and i ran into a few problems, and got stuck here sorting them out.
on the plus side, i now know exactly how to do it, and i've repeated the process four times so i can be considered experienced.
wonderful. i'm so excited.
but it does mean that i actually earned the money i'm getting for today, which is always a satisfying feeling.

so now it's time to find out if i can rescue my day.

*** later ***

well, well. that sinking feeling was intuitive - the person i needed help from (with the social security) was in a meeting all day, so that idea got blown out the water.

basically, every month they're adding on NIS 300 (R450) because i haven't paid them for the months that i wasn't working (because those dipshits don't realize that i wasn't earning any money).
they told me to send them a form to clear the debt (because they know it's bullshit to charge interest on nothing), but the longer it takes to sort this out, the more i owe, and i just can't get hold of them.
and nobody understands why some people just snap and go on machine-gun rampages.
so i see lots of screaming over the phone in my near future (they're lucky they're in a different city). but DAMN i hate beaurocracy, and DAMN i hate stupid people.

fortunately, the person who was in a meeting has graciously invited me to breakfast tomorrow morning, after which we'll sort this out. the reality is that i really shouldn't deal with this myself, as my command of the hebrew language leaves much to be desired - especially under pressured circumstances.
speak softly and carry a big stick? i want a BIG FUCKING GUN.
and a bullhorn.

i'm off to get some food and then i'm probably (around 90%) going to taekwondo.
which i'm not in the mood for. i just wanna chill.

*** later ***

my god. taekwondo almost killed me. i'm completely, utterly exhausted.
on the plus side, we didn't do any work on flexibility, so i can still walk, but we worked hard nonetheless. we fought for more than half an hour, and then we practised technique.
i need a hot shower, and then a masseuse with some fragrant oils. but that last part just ain't gonna happen.

i just wish my training outfit didn't smell so bad - i have nowhere to put it. i'm blaming the climate for my being this disgusting... i actually found it strange when i trained in south africa, because i'd go hard for an hour without so much as breaking a sweat.
damn desert.

*** later ***

i just KNEW i was forgetting something important. i've been informed that i can sign up to play in a call of cthulu LARP in the streets of tel aviv!
that's so cool!
the guy who told me about it is going to help me sign up, and then i have to learn all about the "other" great lord of the dark. the LARP's divided into three parts, and he's already played in the first. the description he gave was most enticing: i really hope this'll all fall into place.

and there was one other thing... mmmm....
nope. can't remember. good night.

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