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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, June 15, 2003


we bought a hub, but the flatmate (we've begun referring to him as grootbek) with the internet connection is running windows xp, so no dice on me having access from my machine.
and he's being a prick right now, so he won't let me use his, so not only can i not check email frequently, but i can't update this from home.

*** yesterday ***

i went to bed early on friday night, and woke up about 3am. i couldn't sleep - my body was killing me after the seminar. i also had the munchies, so after lying in bed for ages pondering, i finally got up for a midnight snack.
and watched the late show with david letterman. i've never seen it before, and i have to say that it's really not that funny.
kinda sad really. but then, that's americans for you!

i woke up around 09.30, and spent the day studying. with one short excursion to the beach. and we nipped into the mall to play air-hockey, and they had pang!! i haven't played it in years, and had forgotten the name, but i used to play it every day after school, and i've missed it.
check it out under fun stuff on my favourites page.

i got a call yesterday morning from a guy who wants some work done with drivers: i've been trying to figure out how to make them for a while now, and he's sent me the development kit so i can play with it. neat, huh?

*** today ***

my exam in marketing research begins in little over an hour, and i KNOW that i'm not ready. so i'm just going to pray and see.
on the plus side, however, no matter how badly the exam goes, SxS and i are going to the skate park today. we've decided to rent the protective gear, and we both reckon there's going to be some broken body bits, but i'm rather excited.

there are bells tolling in my head. i'm gonna go see if someone can help me.

*** later ***

oh my god! that was AWESOME!
we went to the skate park right after the exam. just so's you know, the exam sucked... i guessed about 3/4 of the questions. on the plus side, it's multiple choice so there's still a chance i passed :P.

anyways, we got there and skated for about an hour. a gruelling hour, as it was upwards of 33 degrees, and the sun was blazing. i actually got a tad burned.
i didn't really hurt myself much, a couple of scrapes here and there, but i learned how to do the basic "go up, turn around" on the half-pipe, and i'm feeling pretty chuffed.
i absolutely sucked on the rails - i just can't seem to slide. i even had to push myself with my hands :).

unfortunately, though, i didn't have the guts to try to drop into a ramp. too damn steep for me. next time - it's just that i've been so scared of doing it since i was a kid, and i'm still afraid.
although i did do one thing today that scared me: i went backwards over some stairs. that was okay. i was shaking horribly afterwards, but i did it.

the bottom line though is that i had a lot of fun - it was well worth the NIS 40 (about R80) for entrance and protective-gear-rent. but we're going to start going frequently, so i need to get my own.

afterwards we went to our friend's place with the pool, and swam. it was really refreshing - the guys got upset with me for the stupid grin i was wearing.

then we took the girl who came with us home to tel-aviv. she lives in this really naff apartment, overlooking one of the main streets. i dig that. we had some food, and watched tech-tv's x-play, which i reckon is the best place for game reviews: you actually get to see them being played.
it's 20.00. i just got back home (grootbek's not here), and until she visits (she's setting up for an exhibition at the moment, i'm sure i mentioned that she's an excellent photographer), i'm going to be playing starcraft and sleeping.
a wonderful combination, in my book.

so, for anybody who's had a crappy day today, i have only one thing to say:
sucks to be you.

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