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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, June 27, 2003


*** yesterday ***

i managed to sleep around six hours yesterday. i got up, had a decent breakfast, and thought to myself, "i'm going to study today."
i proceeded to develop a major headache, and basically wasted yesterday trying to focus. okay, i kinda learned some stuff, but nothing substantial.

i had falafel for lunch, and forgot to pay. a friend of mine i haven't seen in a while rocked up, and i totally didn't notice.
and i got a really crap haircut. i've dealt with it using serious gel (the stuff you get in this country comes in an enormous tub, and turns your hair into plastic. literally), but i'll take a photo after my next shower, IF i remember.

last night she took me to see how to lose a guy in 10 days. there's irony in a girl taking her boyfriend to see this film. most of the movie is really disturbing - i was cringing in my seat and feeling like a caged animal.
the movie kept true to it's name, and i'd rate it 4 stars just for the experience. it's a horror film.

*** today ***

i just woke up (11.40), and i've still got the headache. i was meant to be in jerusalem for a fighting competition today (coaching, not fighting), but apparently there was a screw up in transportation. so basically, i'm going to go shopping, find a glossary for shakespeare's much ado about nothing, and maybe study a bit.
maybe eat even.
or sleep some more. yep, that sounds like the best plan.

*** later ***

i'm feeling much better. i didn't get any more sleep, and i didn't find any help with much ado about nothing, but i did some basic shopping (if my mother saw what i bought she'd have a fit), and watched vampire hunter d. crap quality, but cool movie nonetheless.
it was a lot less hectic than bloodlust (shouldn't watch sequels first), but still interesting all the way.

i just remembered that i watched the usual suspects yesterday. i'd seen the ending a long, long time ago, and everyone told me that it wasn't worth watching the movie anymore.
they were wrong - dead wrong. it's a great film, and in a way knowing how it ends makes it more fun.

also just remembered to add that last night, to add to the irony, was our 2nd month anniversary. two things are unusual about this: a) me being in a relationship that's lasted this long and b) the fact that i'm in a relationship where the date matters (even if not much).

i'm listening to ministry at the moment, the land of rape and honey and the mind is a terrible thing to taste. fucking great albums - i haven't listened to them in so long i'd forgotten how much fun they were.

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