
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003


taekwondo never happened last night.
starcraft never happened last night.
learning ddk never happened last night.

what did happen is

*** yesterday ***

i got home, fell asleep for about an hour, and then when i tried to leave my apartment i almost passed out. my head was spinning and i was feeling really drained, and then i got semi-delusional.
so i decided i was sick and went back to sleep.

she came over late and brought a huge container filled with tortilla chips and doritos, and stayed with me for a bit. when she left i passed out, and

*** today ***

woke up this morning, around 8/9am.
i started looking at the ddk, which is a hell of a lot more complex than i expected - but so far it seems manageable.

i also played some starcraft: i'm on level 7! all by myself! with no cheating!
this is a first for me, so i'm a little excited.
and not in the least bit embarrassed about being so. so there.

i also finished the latest wheel of time book, so i'm going to begin reading shakespeare (finally!).

i'm right now at the university, sorting some stuff out, and then it's off to collect some belongings from my previous apartment, where there're new people moving in who don't care for my needs.

which means i'm about to lose even more space in my room, where i can barely move as it is.

*** later ***

it turns out there was very little for me to take, as i fortunately get to leave my fridge and oven there. i had to take my posters, which i wanted to get anyway, and two whiteboards, which i kinda needed. to go with the markers, of course.

when i got home, i found to my dismay that i was still feeling all messed up, and reached a conclusion (a tad late, but then, i'm a tad slow).
i have sunstroke.
from sunday.
and of course i'm feeling shitty. at least i've been drinking plenty of water, but sleeping hasn't been helping and i was getting worried.

as for the ddk: i realized after studying the stuff for a couple of hours that while i understand the language (it's pretty much standard c++ with some funky macros and pre-compiler trash), understanding precisely what these things are doing is a bitch. it seems that i actually have to understand ALL the details of how drivers work even to get the general idea of these things, so i'm stuck reading the (un)help(ful) files.
thank you, microsoft.

on a slightly different note - i've run into an obscure problem. i'm currently on level 7 of starcraft, and one of the mission objectives is to drop raynor off somewhere. but i kinda lost him. i think he's dead, but then it's supposed to tell me i failed the mission. so now i'm just confused.

i've been on a diet for a few days now - no sweets or chocolate, so i rewarded myself tonight by eating one of these tiny hamburgers made of chewy gum. it was most pleasing.

grootbek got bitten really badly last night by mosquitoes, so now that it's agreed i'm not the only one vulnerable, we're chipping in for a zapper.
and tech tv and the music channels are back. so i suppose it's been a good day, all things considered.

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