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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

30+ casualties, 3 survivors

i just played the brazil mission. the first time i didn't realize that the enemy syndicates were going to blow up my escape vehicle, so i got trapped and had to restart.

the second time i just <persuaded> everyone on the level. including the syndicates in the enclosure before driving through. i drove out in two cars; about 30 people (civilians, guards, and syndicates) in the front, including 3 of mine, and the last of mine taking the rear. so far, so good.

i'm almost back at the evac zone, when i register that the front car is emitting a signal... ok, so i have to destroy it as well. i stop the cars, intending to get everyone out the way before blowing it to shit. as the 30+ people start moving, my trooper in the rear takes the intiative and runs EVERYONE over. time bombs explode, both cars burst into flames, and there're dead and dying (well, on fire and screaming, at any rate) all over the place.

"MISSION COMPLETE", i take in. WTF?! turns out three of mine from the front car miraculously survived, so i'm all good. all i could do was stare.

i woke up slowly, and immediately began with the chilling, aside from getting the idea behind writing a basic operating system. most of the day has involved reading, napping, semi-cleaning (fuckers stole my squeegee-thingum while they were "working" in my apartment), and a little bit of gaming for the last 2 hours or so. i'm now going to the cafe to buy smokes... i already made a mission, and completely forgot... nevermind. it's my day off, after all :D

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