today was a long day. it was hard, but i'm proud of my achievements. not least of which was convincing my coworker / lead to persist with aws eks and (it feels like) we're now almost done getting our convoluted system working.
mr smear woke up sicker than yesterday. we started the day with delicious in dungeon before i left for work, which started off weak but has become really, really good. i've had the opening theme stuck in my head all day, and i'm not complaining.
the work day was... fighting with someone else's git rebase (and a failure with .gitignore), shadowing an interviewer, learning about our business development strategy, and battling with werf and eks. we all had lunch much later than anyone had planned because we ran into a series of mishaps with lipgirl's order, for a while i thought *i* was the one holding everyone up and it was a great relief to discover i wasn't :P
i rushed home for dinner (we had just enough time for another delicious in dungeon episode), said good night to my mom, then said good night to my wife and son and headed to the school for a parents meeting about screen time.
it was an interesting meeting, and the only negative thing was sitting two seats away from mr smear's bully's dad dad and having to avoid looking at him to try to stay civil and drama free. i wasn't up for an hour and a half of whatever we were going to be doing, but that time surprisingly flew by and i made a real impact when i spoke about gaming and a bunch of the parents had no idea how unavoidable and serious a danger that could be. a couple of parents actually asked me to give a talk about that, which i guess i'm up for.
it's late, but i kind wanna try getting a guide repo together for cdktf, which i'm really beginning to appreciate. i also want to start reading of mice and men, which i've never encountered before but which came up in an office conversation about literature this morning.
oh, and thanks, sudden shoulder spasm. i don't know what i would be doing without you :/
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