
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, February 10, 2025

down but out

 the coffee was good, but i left a bit later than i should have, couldn't find a good bus to get home with, and ended up walking the entire way (in my heavy rain boots), arriving *just* in time for the start of the meeting that was then delayed by about ten minutes...

anyway, it wasn't a waste of time after all because he sent me a form i needed, which i then sent on to my insurance broker, which set the ball in motion.

i spent some time trying to rest on the couch, but finding myself invested in apple cider vinegar which gd was watching (i jumped in in the middle of the second-to-last episode).

i was feeling like crap, still, but gd's been in trouble with her neck for a while so i went to pick mr smear up from school. him and his "granny cane", according to the bullies in his class - they teased him that he didn't need it, and in their defense, i really don't believe he did ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

as he told me what transpired and what was said to him, i offered him some suggestions for comebacks and he was both impressed and sad that he hadn't been able to come up with them on his own. i suggested he practice - briefly describing eminem's tactics from 8 mile - and i'm curious to see whether he actually does.

i took him to his therapist - again, feeling really awful - and sorted out my insurance stuff while i waited. then i picked him up, we returned home, and from that point until dinner i was responsible for overseeing his homework.

he actually did pretty well in both hebrew and math, and i was surprisingly quite pleased by his attitude. i feel like choosing a translation of harry potter for his reading is working out well, the language is sophisticated enough that i have to keep looking up words but he understands the story very well so he doesn't get lost.

[holy shit, the jackals have just started howling - they've been doing that a lot the past couple of nights, and it sounds like they're hanging out right around our building]

as for the maths, this evening was the first time i've managed to get him to check his answers before submitting, rather than (effectively) guessing, and once he got into a groove of doing that his performance was pretty solid.

after getting him into bed, gd and i settled in to watch the season finale, and it was perfectly cringy as anticipated. afterwards we watched two minutes of the 60 minutes interview with belle gibson before i decided i really didn't need to see any more. then we watched random shit on youtube for a while before gd decided it was time to go to bed, and i've just finished a run of kaycee's mod and i'm now ready for bed myself.

hopefully i'll be better in the morning.

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