
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

grinding down the week


work yesterday was hard, i was keenly conscious of my interactions with my coworkers and boss and generally feeling shit. not as shit as tuesday night, which i was anxious for most of, but still pretty shit.

i spent most of my work day generating test data and testing postgres support for and performance with jsonb columns. the results were... inconsistent. and i learned a lot about the limitations. jsonb in a postgres database can be incredibly powerful, but the table designer has to pay careful attention to the possible operations to make it work and ours... didn't.

last night i was in a zoom call where a group of us was briefed (unofficially) by an idf spokesperson. it was generally interesting, but of particular interest was him repeatedly expressing an (informed) opinion that really doesn't fit with how our government's been operating*, but is very much in line with what a whole lot of us believe.

* ie. listening to our ignorant western allies even though we have a much better idea of what we're up against and what's at stake


still with the shit feeling around the office, but a bit more positive. socially the day was me just being (relatively) under the radar, but while i definitely got a lot done, it was a miserable experience. as far as i can tell i'm handling this in the best way we could under the circumstances, but the solution isn't sparking much joy. and it still needs much more serious testing. so that's what i'll be doing on sunday.

when i'm not taking gd into the heart of bnei brak for an emergency dermatologist appointment that i managed to organize for her this morning. i may have yelled a little bit.

mr smear and i had time to play some a virus named tom between my getting out the shower and dinner time, and that was quite a fun experience. he apparently had a pretty good day today, particularly at mma where the jiujitsu instructor wasn't feeling well so the kids had a class that was basically sports games and socializing.

that's fine by us.


i looked into dental insurance again this morning, it's not a thing. i'm in real pain (last year's filling "fix" damaged a nerve that radiates deep into my jaw) and gd's apparently got two teeth threatening to crack. we literally cannot afford to do anything about either right now.

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