
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

coiled, uncoiled

 gd went to the dentist today to get a mold impression done, i stayed home and fought with mr smear about reading two pages from his hebrew translation of a miles moralis comic (hebrew homework). by fought, i mean i asked him to do it, tried to encourage him, and he stormed off and spent most of the morning in his bedroom, reading his kindle. eventually he came out, and did other stuff, and we were fine until gd came home.

she convinced him to do the reading pretty quickly, and he did the reading, pretty quickly. apparently he hadn't felt confident that he could do it (no nikud, or vowels). now he's confident that he can.

otherwise, the morning was intense and unpleasant. it started alright, with me reviewing my coworker's changes (he found a third way, and i feel it was a good compromise). but then my boss asked how things were going, which led to a phone call, which led to two upset people. he's upset because i've (apparently) been doing the wrong thing, i'm upset because what i was being asked to do didn't really come across very clearly.

so the rest of the day was spent focused, rushed, and stressed. BUT. towards the end of the day, i managed to figure something out that turned everything around; not only making things better in terms of me closing the ticket, but finding a better way to do things than they've been done until now.

i'm becoming a believer in postgres' JSON columns. if you know how to use them, they're incredibly powerful!

in the early afternoon i took mr smear to his hebrew tutor, who's just moved to a move convenient place, the only downside being that the coffee shop i sat at only had barista soy milk and that did a number on my stomache for the rest of the day :/

afterwards gd took mr smear to mma, where he had a really good class and is apparently socializing well with the other kids.

when they got home, gd had lost her headphones and that (for a number of reasons) triggered a bit of a fight. but we soon root-caused it and that revealed a couple of things that had been lurking... anyway, we're all good now.

i took mr smear for a walk to get dinner, realizing as we stepped out that it's tisha b'av which is a fast day. fortunately, we found something good, and we both enjoyed the food and the walks there and back together. the evening / bedtime was smooth and pleasant.

it's been a good evening / night so far. i finished the hex, which is short, but intense and amazing. absolutely brilliant, ingenius, and very, very evil. i don't really care much for doing All The Things (getting all the achievements and endings), but i've skimmed through a guide after completing it myself and it's an interesting read :)

my eyes are shutting, i'm going to try get some sleep.

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