
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, May 27, 2024

mostly good

it's midnight [as i start writing this]. i've just gotten home, brushed my teeth and showered, and i'm enjoying a cup of chamomile in the hopes that it (along with the antihystamine i just took) will counter the effects of the turkish coffee i had a couple of hours ago.

nystire just dropped me off at home after we paid a visit to an army friend (the one who emigrated to montreal) who's just been here because his father passed away. i'm really glad we got to spend a little time with him before he leaves this coming morning.



it was a lazy day, spent doing lazy things. in the early afternoon gd and i left mr smear at home and had coffee with our friends, which was nice, and once again we returned to catch mr smear watching a youtube channel he's not supposed to. i'm grateful, though, that while we all deem it inappropriate, it's far less worrying stuff than it could be :/

in the afternoon i coerced mr smear into trying corn schnitzel on challah with the "sauce" from friday's cholent, and after he finally acquiesed he realized that it really is amazing :P

i finished the first volume of one piece, which is truly excellent.

i signed up to try out the latest iteration of chatgpt, 4o, and as a professional developer i was shockingly disappointed. i'm still stunned at how ridiculously overhyped it's capabilities are, and i'm relieved that they gave me a refund without too much hassle. $20 for something that i probably won't use is just too much.


gd's tooth's been hurting her, so this morning was mainly about figuring out where she should go next. she's agreed to give a different medical-aid clinic a try before going to a private dentist. gods help us.

i was a little concerned about how things would go with my boss this morning, but i needn't have been. he was happy with my decision and there was no stress on that count, and i was very pleased to be able to show him good results by the end of the day. i'm very happy with the results, myself.


those results would have been in much earlier had i not been sidetracked by an annoying dependency issue again, the third in as many weeks, that took most of my work hours to sort out.

but if i'm being honest, i'm really happy with a bunch of changes i managed to sneak in along with the fix, so that's okay :P

i rushed out the office a bit later than planned, but managed to get home in time for us all to go together to the parent-teacher meeting. i'm relieved and excited to report that mr smear has, in spite of himself, been doing extremely well. he's very lucky to have such a caring teacher, and i really hope he makes the most of the last month or two of the school year. the fact that his hebrew reading isn't the worst in his class of native speakers is good news, and his maths is clearer sufficient. i feel like gd and i (along with his hebrew tutor) have managed to keep him mostly up to speed, and that's not nothing.

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