
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, May 10, 2024

friday afternoon homework experience

 well, i'm sitting here [as i start writing this post] helping mr smear with his hebrew homework, after yet another fight about doing the homework, which we only won because i threatened to eat the last ice lollie; once he agreed to sit down, he then protested again but on the grounds that he doesn't want to be in israel... gd and i sat down and (once again) explained why canada and south africa aren't options (the dangers of global antisemitism, and why canada would be worse for him, because he'd be going through all of the same stuff but in french), and now we're moving through the homework pretty smoothly.

good grief.

this morning i woke up at 3.30am, dragged myself out of bed and made a cup of coffee and walked to the car and drove to the airport to pick up our cousin, and arrived only a handful of minutes before she walked out from customs. it's so good to see her again!

we dropped her luggage off at her hotel, then i dropped her off at our place, returned the car, and caught a bus home. everyone was awake and hungry, so we walked to our favorite coffee shop for coffee and breakfast. then i hopped on a bus headed to dizengoff center, called my mom to check in, took her advice and hopped off the bus, and walked to the weizman center instead to pick up a SIM card for a fraction of the price that they're selling them at the airport.

i did a grocery shopping, stopped on the way home for an amazing breakfast bagel, and then returned to crash on the couch. later, after unboxing the care package for my mom (a few packets of salted liquorice and some books, including the one with the song/poem i was looking for ^_^).

i walked her to the train station, organized a ravkav card for her, then we took the light rail straight to her hotel. i said goodbye, jumped on the next one back, and have since eaten and been helping with the homework [at this point we're almost done].

i'm really impressed by today's light rail experience!


the work day was intense. it started with a fight about whether to use jsonb in a postgres database, this time with me on team "yes". i managed to get that done fairly quickly, and i was really happy with it by the time it was merged, but the next part gave me trouble until i eventually went home for the weekend with an unsatisfied feeling.

in the middle of the day, i went to pick mr smear up from the school. i had just enough time to eat too much lunch along the way.


mr smear's school trip (for which we postponed his allergy test): a video was sent on the parents' group of the kids all chanting "shame", and i found out later that the bus driver's license had expired. the kids had a good time in the nature reserve and on its sand dunes; i needed an hour and a half off work to pick mr smear up afterwards, only he decided to head to his friend's place and i made the whole trip for nothing (although we're grateful he's socializing, so that takes priority). after work i picked him up on my way home.


my roastie seems to be healing nicely now. my sinuses / allergies / whatever are still a problem. gd's foot's even worse now.

we're still almost done with the homework.

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