
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, April 21, 2023

our last of us

the last of us shares a vision of what the world could look like if cordyceps evolved to infect humans. we're currently struggling with ringworm, and i can't help but imagine what the world would look like if tinea corporis was impossible to treat.


i've been chatting with scrapper over the past couple of days, i'm sad to learn that he and his partner have experienced a similar fallout to me and pg since they landed in canada. traveling and trauma test one's relationship, emigrating definitely combines those two and the effect is greater than the sum of its parts...


i finally got back to the rollerblading group on tuesday night! i drank a cup of coffee before i left, had a good time, and got home feeling pretty good (aside from a blister on one of my feet). but then... i couldn't sleep. i was thoroughly wired. after a very long wednesday, i climbed into bed in the hopes of recovering and then... still couldn't sleep. not as bad as the previous night, but insufficient.

(in lemongrab's voice) unacceptable!

boy, was i looking forward to sleeping last night, but i spent most of it uncomfortable, hot or cold or imagining things that bother me...


speaking of which, since gd's been able to smoke cannabis she's been able to wean off a whole lot of her pain medications, and she's going through withdrawal symptoms. that sucks.


this week i was hyper-focused on work. i'm not happy about that, but i guess i'm not unhappy about that either. i did enjoy some successes, although quite a lot of frustration, too. i learned a lot about some of the more esoteric stuff i've been working with. it's definite progress.

i'm excited and nervous about the next week and month. assuming all goes well, my first options are scheduled to vest in the next ten days. assuming all goes well, those options will actually be worth something at some point.


mr smear has lost another tooth. he's generally doing okay, and we're learning to pick our battles, but there was an incident on wednesday with a particularly slow and violent kid that made him refuse to enter his classroom yesterday...


we're off soon to join an earth day march in an attempt to raise awareness for our need (as a species) to get off animal agriculture. we figure it's a good idea to take mr smear with us, hopefully this will be fun! 

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