
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

all the nerves

 it's been quite a while since i had me some good ol' fashioned nerve pinch pain. this morning (so far) it's my left shoulder, yesterday was my lower back, and for about a week now my neck's been griefing me on and off.

every night i go to bed wondering how my sleeping positions will mess me up for the following day.

this kinda stinks.

at the same time, though, i got caught in the rain yesterday and *ran* home (okay, probably more of a brisk jog for most people) all the way from the train station, which is a just-less-than-a-mile-stone for me and my knee. i managed to clear the distance just as the thunderstorm lightened up and got home just as it resumed its fury, so luck was with me.

sunday saw me working from home, and also saw mr smear having an unexpectedly emotional day with disturbingly self-destructive behavior. it started with me trying to sort out a piano app after he "showed interest" (ie. begged me passionately) in a synthesizer, when i was trying to figure things out and i didn't select one of the genres he might have been interested in (neither of us know what genre it was, only that it had a lightning symbol). he decided that an appropriate punishment for me would be to throw every toy and book he has onto the floor, roughly. i was focused on my work for most of the day and i don't remember what else happened before dinner time, but at the end of dinner he wanted to watch an additional episode of adventure time and would not take "no" for an answer...

i guess i'm very grateful that i got an apology and good night wishes from him just before he went to sleep, and yesterday morning began wonderfully as he walked in on me playing pokémon and decided he wanted to play too. when i left for work he was still thoroughly engrossed.

i picked up a document for gd from the clinic on the way to work, and found myself staring at a green shredding bin with a pink plastic bag in it and the hebrew for "information security". "security" has the same letters as "watermelon", and i can't stop myself translating "information security" to "information watermelonation"...

yesterday was a long day in the office. everyone else was amused when i asked if there would be a selection of matzah on the breakfast tray, but i was disappointed to discover, when i walked into the kitchen area, that there was no tray at all :/

i've spent a considerable amount of time trying to find a solution to getting us and our friend's family to a nature party at the end of the month, i cannot believe how expensive it is and it's all revolving around the fact that it's shabbat and there's no public transport available :(

i'm still dealing with fallout today from the past week or so of ci/cd mayhem, but it's a half-day before the chag and i feel like we're pretty much stable again. my boss gave me admin rights on sunday, along with the uncle-ben speech about power and responsibility...

mr smear and i both had trouble going to sleep last night. neither of us had trouble waking up this morning, aside from the nerve pain which caused me to scarf down some matzah and take anti-inflammatories and have gd set my shoulder and neck on fire with deep heat...

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